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Addressing the City Council

Council meetings take place in the Paul Tauer Aurora City Council Chamber located in the Aurora Municipal Center (AMC). The building opens at 5 p.m. on the day of the regular council meeting.

The Aurora City Council welcomes public comment during regular council meetings regarding specific items appearing on the agenda or on any matter of city concern. Each speaker must attend in-person and speak from the podium. A maximum of three (3) minutes is allotted to each speaker.

Public Invited to be Heard: One hour is dedicated to public comment on items not listed on the agenda at the beginning of every regular council meeting. Individuals may register to speak by completing a speaker slip upon arrival at the Aurora Municipal Center (AMC) on the day of the Council Meeting. Speakers must complete the speaker slip and return it to the city clerk between 5 p.m. and no later than 6:20 p.m. on the day of the council meeting

Public Comment on Agenda Item:  The public is invited to comment in support of or to oppose any item listed on the agenda. Those wishing to comment on an agenda item must register in advance by completing the 'Public Comment on Agenda Item' online form between 8 a.m. on the Friday before the council meeting and before 1 p.m. on the day of the council meeting.

Public Comment on Public Hearing Items:  The public is invited to comment in support of or to oppose any item listed on the agenda as a Public Hearing. Those wishing to comment on a Public Hearing agenda item must register in advance by completing the 'Public Comment on Public Hearing Item' online form beginning at 8 a.m. on the Friday before the council meeting, and before the Public Hearing item title is read on the day of the council meeting.

City of Aurora Accessibility Statement

The Aurora Municipal Center is wheelchair accessible with entry ramps and accessible parking located on the west and east side of the building and on all levels of the parking garage. Ramp access from the parking garage is located on the Ground Floor and the 4th level of the garage. The city provides closed captioning services on Aurora cable channels 8 and 880. Please make your request for accommodations or assistance by noon on the Friday preceding the Monday meeting by contacting the Office of Accessibility at 303.326.8857.
If you are in need of an interpreter, please contact the Office of International and Immigrant Affairs at 303.739.7521 by 9 a.m. on the day of the meeting. Si necesita un intérprete, comuníquese con la oficina de asuntos internacionales e inmigrantes en 303.739.7521.

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