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To report a hazardous material spill or illegal dumping, or for information about proper handling of hazardous materials, please call 303.739.6772.

Water pollution can be caused by the things that we do every day. What we leave on sidewalks and streets impacts our water quality. When it rains or when snow melts, storm water mixes with trash, antifreeze, motor oil and other undesirable items. As water flows off the sidewalk or street it drains to large, underground pipes designed to prevent flooding on streets and sidewalks. These storm drain pipes discharge storm water to the nearest stream or river.

Water pollution also happens when rainwater or snow melt flows across yards. Pet waste and fertilizers mix with the water and eventually flow down a storm drain. The average home can accumulate as much as 100 pounds of chemical wastes each year from common household lawn or garden products.

There are many things you can do to prevent water pollution. The links below will provide you with more information. Recycling is also a good prevention for water pollution. Click here for more information on recycling.

Publications on Household Chemical Use

As residents of Aurora, we bear responsibility to dispose of household waste properly in order to protect and preserve our quality of life. In Aurora Water's Natural Alternatives guide, you will find instructions on how to safely dispose of many household hazardous wastes. You will learn how to reduce your use of hazardous products by making use of alternatives. Follow these steps and you will be making your home and your neighborhood a cleaner place to live.

Aurora Water offers the “Clean Choice for Clean Water” series of publications to help you learn more about protecting our water from pollution.

For more information on protecting your sewer line, including the Homeowner's Guide to Sewer Lines, click here

Managing Your Construction Wastes

Managing Your Household Wastes

Caring for Your Lawn and Garden

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