Aurora Public Library Blog

Welcome to Aurora Public Library’s blog. A place where our library staff share their thoughts, insider knowledge and overall love of all things book and community.

Feel free to comment on posts, re-blog and enjoy. To ensure a civil and focused discussion, comments will be held for a brief period before being published.

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Debauchery and thrills are pleasing, but they are fleeting. Tragedy is permanent. Despair knows no limits. Old walls never forget old sins. Never has this held more true than in "The Empty House".

Leave the comfort of your book covers this Halloween as we share haunted tales right here on your computer screen. Every Thursday at 8 p.m., tune in for new spine-tingling tales! 

Do you have a spooky story of your own? We're taking scary, terrifying or spine-tingling submissions! Staff will choose their top five favorite stories to read on Facebook the day before Halloween, and allow Facebook to vote via reaction! The winner will receive a prize from Aurora Public Library. Submissions must be 1,000 words or less, rated PG-13 and under, and must be emailed to [email protected] by Sunday, Oct. 25.
Posted by [email protected]  On Oct 01, 2020 at 2:53 PM
Make & Learn

Make & Learn: Reading Colors
by Karen

Welcome to Make & Learn! In this program, our librarians will be sharing easy-to-make games and activities that support cognitive development and practicing early literacy skills. In this video, Miss Karen discusses disequilibrium and shares a game to practice reading colors words.

Posted by [email protected]  On Oct 01, 2020 at 10:44 AM
Banned Books Week

Banned Books Week: All Your Faves Are Banned 
by Elizabeth 

In libraries, there’s a saying: there should always be at least one book in your library you dislike, or else you’re not doing it right. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees. Welcome to Banned Books Week! Here, we’ll celebrate all of the wonderful books that have been banned from libraries throughout the decades. 

“Well, of course,” you may be thinking. “Some books are just SCANDALOUS.” But what about “Green Eggs and Ham”? This picture book about a picky eater was challenged in California for being too seductive. That’s right: Dr. Seuss, too sexy. “Where’s Waldo?” and “Alice in Wonderland” were banned for the same reason. “Where the Wild Things Are”, the story of a little boy going on imaginary wild romps with monsters after being sent to his room, has been challenged for witchcraft. Shel Silverstein’s poem “Help! I’m Being Eaten by a Boa Constrictor” was apparently a little too tempting: his books were banned for promoting cannibalism. And some books offend every side: George Orwell’s “1984” was banned for being BOTH pro-communist and anti-communist. Even the dictionary’s been banned! 

The American Library Association updates their list of the most challenged and banned books every year. Want to really live life on the edge? Check out a banned book or two to see what all the fuss is about! Here’s five of my favorite books from the banned books list to get you started, plus one more delightful read you’d never think was banned. 

Hate U Give

“The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas 

Did you know that this book has been on the NY Times Bestseller List for 186 weeks and counting? That’s 3 and a half YEARS. This book is still sadly topical: a high school girl sees a police officer kill her friend and then watches as his death turns into a national news story. Teenage Starr has to learn to balance between worlds and find her own voice while friends, family, and the media all start to take sides. Banned for profanity, drug use, and being “anti-cop.” 


“Drama” by Raina Telgemeier 

“Drama” has been on the most challenged book list for 4 years in a row. This heartwarming graphic novel tells the story of Callie, a theater-loving middle school student who wants to create the perfect set for her school’s play. Meanwhile, she has to deal with ticket sales, difficult crew members, and an inconvenient crush. Raina Telgemeier is also the author of the graphic novel reboot of “The Babysitter’s Club”. Banned for LGBT content and going against family values. 


“Saga” by Brian K. Vaughan 

This one’s more explicit, but adult readers might love it. In a distant future, two groups of aliens have been fighting for decades. When two soldiers from opposite sides fall in love, their baby becomes part of an interplanetary cover-up: no one can know that peace is possible. Definitely only read this if you’re over 18, but it’s a fantastic series, and its main focus is on one family determined to survive whatever the odds. Banned for nudity, swearing, sexual content, and being “anti-family.” 

Bridge to Terabithia

“Bridge to Terabithia” by Katherine Paterson 

Find your tissue box. Do you have it? Okay, then you’re ready to read the kids’ classic “Bridge to Terabithia”, a heartwarming book about imagination, friendship, and overwhelming grief. Jess and Leslie may have to endure the trials of middle school, but they have an escape: Terabithia, their imaginary magical land where they rule as king and queen. This is one of those “why did they ban this” books: “Terabithia” was challenged for Satanism, an odd sentiment for a book that talks about God and angels as much as fairies and magic. 

Prince and Knight

“Prince & Knight” by Daniel Haack 

“Prince & Knight” tells the story of a prince who falls for a handsome knight instead of a beautiful princess. Its sequel, “Maiden & Princess”, shows a Cinderella-like girl falling for an unexpected person at the royal ball. These are adorable stories with gorgeous illustrations. Banned for LGBT content. 

And one more, a book you’d never think was banned: 

Winnie the Pooh

“Winnie-the-Pooh" by A. A. Milne 

Christopher Robin’s stuffed animals and their adventures have been banned multiple times over the years for some surprising reasons: being religiously offensive (three times, two different religions), dubious political affiliations, dubious sexuality, and – perhaps the only fair accusation for our bumbling bear – not wearing pants.  

And remember, as always: if you don’t like any of my recommendations, you don’t have to read them!
Here’s a link to the ALA list so you can find a banned book that’s a little more your style.

Happy reading!  
Posted by [email protected]  On Sep 30, 2020 at 11:46 AM
Read It!

Family Book Club


"Winterhouse" by Ben Guterson will be reviewed TONIGHT via Zoom LIVE with the author at 5 p.m.! Join us for a special one-hour Book Talk. If you haven't finished reading the book, that's okay! Mr. Guterson will be accepting questions and also will talk about puzzles, codes and more! It is not too late to register! Register here.

October Family Book Club
"Song For a Whale" by Lynne Kelly is our Family Book Club pick for October and we will have another LIVE Book Talk with the author! Register here and get your hands on a copy (available in hardback and as an audiobook). Call the Tallyn's Reach Library at 303.627.3050 to put a copy on hold today!
Song For a Whale Suggested Reading Schedule
Monday, Sept. 28 - Sunday, Oct. 4: Chapters 1-12
Monday, Oct. 5 - Sunday, Oct. 11: Chapters 13-25
Monday, Oct. 12 - Sunday, Oct. 18: Chapters 26-38
Monday, Oct. 19 - Sunday, Oct. 25: Chapters 39-48
Monday, Oct. 26 - Book Talk With Award-Winning Author Lynne Kelly!

Song for a Whale
Posted by [email protected]  On Sep 28, 2020 at 12:01 PM
Create It!

Create It! Clothespin Circles
by Karen

It's #MakeItMonday! Karen shares a fun, versatile DIY using clothespins! Follow along to make your own trivet, coaster or wall art! 

Posted by [email protected]  On Sep 28, 2020 at 11:41 AM
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