Did you know that personal use of all fireworks, sparklers, novelties requiring ignition, and salutes that make a sound, are illegal in the city of Aurora? This includes all fireworks whether they leave the ground or not. Although many are sold right outside the city limits, a city ordinance mandates that you cannot legally use them in Aurora.
• Violations of the ordinance may result in a minimum of $250, and up to a $2,250 dollar fine.
• Besides the fine, you could get hurt, injure someone else, or start a fire.
If you've already purchased fireworks and want to get rid of them safely, drop them off at Aurora Fire Rescue Station at no risk of prosecution or fines.
The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling and use of fireworks are prohibited in the city of Aurora. These items include fireworks that leave the ground, need to be
ignited, or have a report. This includes all items sold at a fireworks stand.
Use fireworks and pay the price:
• Up to $1000 fine.
• Liable for property damage.
• Liable for personal injury.
Starting next week Fire Investigators from the Aurora Fire Rescue Department will be patrolling the streets of Aurora along side Aurora Police Officers looking for violators. Leave the fireworks to the professionals, come down to the City of Aurora 4th of July Spectacular.
Note to Media: Requests for additional information or interviews should be directed the Aurora Fire Rescue Department at [email protected] .

Sergeant Chris Amsler
Public Information Officer
Media Relations Unit