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Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Sports
with Lisa

OK, this is it; we’re finishing up SPORTS.  Keep commenting or join in now. 

Readers’ Realm will be taking a break for a while.  Keep watch as it might return in the fall. 

As you finish your book, did it come down to one big game or one big play?  Tell about it.  If not, how did the sport figure into how the book ended?  Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post. 

In my book, "Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook" by Iva-Marie Palmer, Gabby ends up with TWO games/competitions at the same time, baseball and talent show.  She manages to do her best at both.  In the baseball game, it doesn't come down to her having the best, win-all play.  I like that.  She is part of it, but only a part.  Baseball is her thing, and she finds a way to bring baseball into the talent show as well.  Plus, she learns a hard lesson; she is not always the Golden Child, and that’s OK.  

Remember, look for Readers’ Realm to return in the fall.  In the meantime, keep reading! 
Posted by [email protected]  On Mar 24, 2021 at 8:20 AM
Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Sports
with Lisa

Play on, sports! Keep commenting or join in now. 

A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through March 24. Then on to a new genre/category.   

Feel free to post as much as you like.  (Click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.)

Let’s get to it!
One important thing about most sports is teamwork.  How does teamwork figure into your story?  If yours is an individual sport, is there some kind of group the athlete/character belongs to?  What do you think about belonging to a team? Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post. 

In "Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook" by Iva-Marie Palmer, Gabby gives up baseball, her sport, after her new team decides she is a jinx.  She joins the field hockey team, which has a terrible record, and accidentally joins a non-sport team, a talent showcase.  Being on a team is very important to Gabby, but not only being on a team, but being the best on the team, the Golden Child.  She’s not that at any of the teams she’s on, but she can’t see that just being a useful part is as good as being the best.  She seems like she’s going to fail, big time. 

What’s happening in your book? 
Posted by [email protected]  On Mar 17, 2021 at 10:06 AM
Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Sports
with Lisa

Play on, sports! Keep commenting or join in now. 

A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through March 24. Then on to a new genre/category.   

Feel free to post as much as you like.  Click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.   Let’s get to it: 

What has been the best sport’s action moment of your book so far?  Describe it as best you can. Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post.

My book, "Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook" by Iva-Marie Palmer, has been using a lot of sports analogies for everything.  Gabby sees the world through her sport, baseball, so it seems natural she’d describe everything that way.  The best sport's bit so far is kind of funny and sad.  Gabby wants to be a part of her new school's baseball team, but they’ve already started their season.  She goes to a practice waiting for a moment to run on the field and show her stuff.  When she does this, to catch a fly ball, she plows right into another player, giving her a bloody nose.  It’s funny because I can see someone doing something like this to get herself noticed, but it’s sad that this is what she thinks she has to do instead of talking to the coach or asking to play.  
What’s happening in your book? 
Posted by [email protected]  On Mar 10, 2021 at 7:45 AM
Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Sports
with Lisa

Welcome to the Readers’ Realm.  This month’s genre: SPORTS! Plan to read your book in about a month.  A new discussion topic will be posted each Wednesday from now through March 24. Then on to a new genre/category!   

Feel free to post as much as you like.  Click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.   Let’s get to it: 

There are SO many sports and books about them!  What sport is your book about?  I find that sports books fall into two types: having the sporting event front and center (little else matters) or having the characters and their problems/adventures front and center with the sporting event as more of a backdrop.  Which do you think your book will be?   

Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post. 
I’m reading "Gabby Garcia’s Ultimate Playbook" by Iva-Marie Palmer.  The main character, Gabby, is a baseball player.  I’m only up to page 40, but it seems that while baseball will be important to the book, as it is important to Gabby’s life, the story will be more about her adapting to a new school, new friends, a new team, and a bully.  I’m hoping there’s some good baseball action though. 

What’s happening in your book? Still looking for a book to read? Check out some suggestions below!

Posted by [email protected]  On Mar 03, 2021 at 8:07 AM
Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Fantasy
with Lisa

OK, this is it; we’re finishing up FANTASY.  Keep commenting or join in now. 

A new genre/category will begin next week, so you can start looking for a book.  Let’s go to SPORTS next.

As you finish your book, did you like the ending?  Did the magical creatures and humans work together or against each other?  Did magic/fantasy play a real part in how the problem worked out? Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post. 

In my book, "The Goblin’s Puzzle" by Andrew S. Chilton, the goblin stays true to his goblin self – he has said before that goblins and humans can never become friends.  But he still manages to help the boy get out of a sticky situation.  Even though fantasy is a big part of the story, I mean there are goblins and dragons, the problem is really solved through logic.  The goblin always finds a way to think his way out of problems and guides others, sometimes by telling them the opposite – as goblins often do.  I like how the goblin is such a real character with a lot of sides to him. 

Remember we’ll start next week with SPORTS! The choice of book is totally up to you - what will you read?
Posted by [email protected]  On Feb 24, 2021 at 8:57 AM
Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Fantasy
with Lisa

The fantasy continues! Keep commenting or join in now. 
A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through February 24. Then, on to a new genre/category!

Feel free to post as much as you like.  You’ll have to click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.  Let’s get to it!

The group traveling together in my book, the boy, Princess Anne, Plain Anne, and the goblin have  a lot of adventures.  What adventures or difficulties are your characters facing?  Does it fit with the fantasy idea?  Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post (some of us want to add to our reading list!) 

In "The Goblin’s Puzzle" by Andrew S. Chilton the group faces many trials, both independently and as a team.  The boy and the goblin escape slavery, Plain Anne escapes a dragon, the boy bests an ogre, the team saves Princess Anne from that same dragon, and now they are in a terrible position with the Duke, who may be a sorcerer,  who wants to marry the princess, take control of the lands, and just get rid of the boy, Plain Anne, her father, and the goblin.  I like the different fantasy creatures that have entered the story; it keeps it lively.  How will they get out of this jam?  I guess I’ll have to keep reading. 

What’s happening in your book? 
Posted by [email protected]  On Feb 17, 2021 at 11:05 AM
Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Fantasy
with Lisa

The fantasy continues! Keep commenting or join in now. 
A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through February 24. Then on to a new genre/category.   

Feel free to post as much as you like.  Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.  Let’s get to it!

Fantasy often takes place in another land or another time.  This can let the author really get descriptive, which makes for some good reading.  What is described really well in your book?  If you don't have an example, maybe write a descriptive example of your own about something in your story. Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post (some of us want to add to our reading list!) 

In my story, "The Goblin’s Puzzle" by Andrew S. Chilton, the goblin actually turns out to be a pretty good guy!  I was surprised.  The goblin can grant three wishes or vows, but the boy doesn’t quite know how to ask.  The goblin helps him.  An ogre is introduced to the story, and he is described SO well:  “He looked something like a man, but lumpy and misshapen, as if a child had made him out of clay...HIs mouth had a collection of teeth that looked as if they had been casually tossed in there” (70). I wonder if the ogre, who seems so brutal and mean, will turn out being helpful like the goblin?  I guess I’ll find out. 

What’s happening in your book? 
Posted by [email protected]  On Feb 10, 2021 at 11:28 AM
Readers' Realm

Reader's Realm: Fantasy
with Lisa

Welcome to the Readers’ Realm.  This month’s genre:  FANTASY! Plan to read your book in about a month.  A new discussion topic will be posted each Wednesday from now through February 24. Then on to a new genre/category!   

Feel free to post as much as you like.  You’ll have to click on the title of the post to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.   Let’s get to it: 

We know fantasy most times has magical or mystical creatures.  From your book’s cover and title, what kind of creatures do you think will be in the story?  If no creatures, what kind of magical elements do you think you’ll find?  
Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post. 

I’m reading "The Goblin’s Puzzle: Being the Adventures of a Boy with No Name and Two Girls Called Alice" by Andrew S. Chilton. Obviously, a goblin will be in the story as it’s in the title.  A dragon is also pictured on the cover.  There’s also a castle and a small village, so it seems as if it’s going to take place in a fairy tale type land.  Maybe the kids have to solve the Goblin’s Puzzle to save someone/something?  I’ll have to find out! 

What’s happening in your book? 
Need help finding a book? Check out some of these recommendations!
Posted by [email protected]  On Feb 03, 2021 at 8:23 AM
Readers' Realm

Readers' Realm: Adventure!
with Lisa

OK, this is it; we’re finishing up ADVENTURE!  Keep commenting or join in now. 
A new genre/category will begin next week, so you can start looking for a book.  Let’s go to FANTASY next. Check out some suggested books below, but remember - the choice is totally yours. 

As you finish your adventure book, did you find it to be a page turner (you know, the book you can’t put down)?  Did they characters actually finish the adventure or are you the reader left hanging?  Did it end like you wanted it to?  If so GREAT!  If not, what could have made it better? Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post (some of us want to add to our reading list!) 

In my book, "The Tomb" by S.A. Bodeen, I was left with a cliff hanger.  Another unknown spaceship had pulled the Tomb to them with a tractor beam, and now Kiva and Seth are faced with a similar decision to the one they had before; they are not both going to get to leave.  The ship is ruled by the Witch, so staying onboard is not a good option.  Only one escapes, but what will happen to the other?  I guess we need a sequel to find out! 

Remember we’ll start next week with Fantasy!  Here are some suggested titles, but, of course, the choice is yours!

Posted by [email protected]  On Jan 27, 2021 at 9:21 AM
Readers' Realm

Readers' Realm: Adventure!
with Lisa

The adventure continues! Keep commenting or join in now. 

A new discussion topic will be posted each week from now through January 27. Then on to a new genre/category.   
Feel free to post as much as you like.  You’ll have to click on the title to get to the comment page. Be sure to read others’ comments and respond to them.  Let’s get to it!

What’s an adventure without a little life or death?  Have the characters in your book had to face any life or death situations?  Have they had to make any sacrifices to keep going on their adventure?  Please include the title and author of the book you’re reading in your post (some of us want to add to our reading list!) 

In my book, "The Tomb" by S.A. Bodeen, Kiva has a difficult decision to make.  Her friend, Seth, has been knocked out with some poison and can’t walk or talk.  Should she leave him with the evil caretaker of the spaceship and take the much needed spare part back to her ship or leave the part, which could cause everyone on her ship to die, and save Seth?  What a decision!  She has to do something to get away from the evil guy, but neither choice is good.  Maybe she can come up with a third choice? 

What’s happening in your book? 
Posted by [email protected]  On Jan 20, 2021 at 9:32 AM
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